When I created this blog back in 2014 it was for the purpose of keeping myself accountable and I had hoped to be an encouragement to others. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by and how much life has gotten in the way of keeping this blog up to date.
As I read over my previous posts, I considered deleting them. I began to doubt how I could possibly be an encouragement to others when it seems all that I have done is struggle and perform the "weight loss/weight gain shuffle" (losing and gaining the same 10-20 pounds over and over again).
I have spent the past few days searching the world of Pinterest for weight loss success photos for encouragement. By the time I was finished with my search, I realized I felt more discouraged then encouraged by all the success I saw. Let me pause real quick to ask that you not mistake my discouragement for a lack of being happy for others who have achieved their success. I have searched within myself and have realized why I feel this way and it comes down to one simple concept and that is I can not relate to their success. It was truly an "ah-ha" moment. It is so hard to relate to something when you are at a different place in your own journey. With this realization, I decided it was best not delete my journey thus far. Just maybe, there are others like me who need to see the struggle so that we know that we are not alone. We see the success and we hear how the journey was hard, but we don't know or get to see the struggle. Sometimes the struggle is what can be the most encouraging.
So that is where I find myself today. Struggling and wondering if that is ever going to be me.
Do you feel that way too? If so, you are definitely not alone!
I hope and pray that this blog will encourage you on your own journey.
God Bless.