"...Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised....." Proverbs 31

Friday, July 14, 2017

My apologies, time has gotten away from me once again

I did not intend to go this long between my posts but things have been so busy here. In my last post I talked about the past few years of my weight loss journey, being diagnosed with PCOS, and finding THM (Trim Healthy Mama).

Throughout the month of June we did a 30 Day No Cheat Streak Challenge in one of the groups. I was dreading the challenge but I persevered through. When the 30 days was over, I was so proud of the accomplishment I made that I decided to continue and go for 100 days without cheating and staying on plan 100%.

Today is day 44 and I am going strong. I have never really gone more than 10 days without cheating or giving in to cravings, so this is such a big accomplishment for me and I am really proud. I know that without God, this would not be possible. I am so thankful for the strength he has given me during this time. The past 44 days have not been easy, and there have been some days where I just wanted to cry, but it does get a little bit easier.

Well that's it for now. I am hoping to do a recipe post soon.

God Bless on our journey to better health.