"...Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised....." Proverbs 31

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

24 Hours

How does time seem to get away from me like this? Since my last post on April 27th I have been very busy, and I realize I need to set an alarm on my schedule to make sure that I am getting on here to post. This may be a little lengthy of a post, and I am sure at some point you may even wonder what any of what I am saying has to do with my weight loss, but I promise it does.

"She watches over the affairs of her households and does not eat the bread of idleness." 
Proverbs 31:27

When I read this verse, I knew I had been guilty of eating the bread of idleness.  My body, my mind, my spirit, my home, my husband, and my son all have been suffering the consequences of idleness. I wasn't making time to care for myself physically and spiritually. My home was in total CHAOS. My relationship with my husband was becoming strained because I felt he did not help enough around the house. And I just could not keep up with the little hurricane that is my son!

About 3 weeks ago I realized that not matter how much I was working on my weight loss I struggled because of the mess in the other areas of my life. I was working against myself. I felt guilty for the way my home and family was beginning to look while I focused on losing weight. Please don't get me wrong. It is so very important for us mom's to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, but we need to find a healthy balance for all we need to accomplish. I knew I needed to get myself on a schedule. Even if I didn't stick to it 100% it would be my guideline. What surprised me the most wasn't that 16 hours wasn't enough time, but that it was more than enough time.

How you say? Well I am so glad you asked! The first thing I did was write down all the areas of my life that I know I need to focus on a daily basis:

MYSELF: Care Routines, Spiritual Walk, Healthy & Active Lifestyle
HUSBAND: Quality Time, Duties As His Wife,
SON: Quality Time, Well-Being
HOME: cleaning, laundry, etc

Next I made a schedule in 1 hour blocks from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. I am trying to establish new habits so I knew that things needed to be simple and effective.

I decided that first thing in the morning I need to start my day in The Lord's presence. I spend time in prayer, getting my "daily bread" in Proverbs and "water for my spirit" in Psalms. I allocated 30 minutes for this and I have found that it is the best 30 minutes of my day!

By this time Moose is now awake and now I need to care for him. I created a routine for him to follow in the morning and I know that from 9:30am - 10:30am I have to focus on getting him cared for. However, during his breakfast I take those 10 minutes to fit in my first walking routine.

At 10:30 AM, Daddy is now up and it he takes over doing care routines with the moose. I start breakfast and start on household routines, which brings me to my next big problem area.

MY HOUSE! Ugh- can I just say how much I hate cleaning! I have tried looking online for routines and what not, but nothing that I found ever fit what I was looking for and they clearly did not have a moose loose in their home! Then I came across this little tidbit: 


So that is exactly what I did! I set my own standards and created a Cleaning Task Schedule to fit our home perfectly! What amazing advice! Since I have put that motto into my cleaning routine let me just say that my house has become a lot cleaner, more manageable,  and comfortable. Living up to someone else's standards does so much more harm than good. I have also taken focus and frustration off of the messes that the moose makes and put more effort into having him clean up his own messes! I also decided to try making cleaning a game (Jury is still out on that concept) and race the timer. While I will never see cleaning as a game or fun, I do know that I was allocating way too much time on cleaning tasks when most required 5 minutes or less! So I still set my timer because I work better and more efficiently in time crunches! Crazy I know! 

And with all those other duties and tasks out of the way,  I have more than enough time to devote quality time and attention on the two people I love most in this world. Not to mention plenty of 10 minutes to spare throughout my day to workout and get healthy with ZERO guilt!

And speaking of getting healthy:

My weight loss is starting to pick up momentum again. I am learning to make the days count and not focus on the "shoulda-woulda-coulda's". I officially hit the 40 pound milestone this past Sunday on Mother's Day.

So Today I pray that not one of us would partake in the bread of idleness. That we would ask God daily for the strength to accomplish the tasks that are set out before us. That we would honor God in all that we do and His name alone would be glorified!

God Bless Us All On Our Journey To Being Healthy!

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