"...Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised....." Proverbs 31

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A new path on my journey

Over the past 14 years I have tried many different diet and exercise plans with little success. It is not fair to say that those diets just don't work, but I will say that it was more about them being unrealistic as a long term healthy solution.

Back in 2014 I started doing more of my own research into what would be best for my journey. I bought textbooks, searched the internet, and began to compile my own ideas of what would be best for me. There was so much information and I was successful for a short period of time. My weight dropped from 290 in January to 254 by May. However, because of the extreme pressure I put on myself, I ended up with an injury that has caused permanent damage and pain in my feet and I gained back most of that weight.

After being diagnosed with PCOS, I started a PCOS diet and lost 25 pounds, but again I found that this type of diet was not something I could realistically see myself doing for the rest of my life. There had to be something out there I could see myself doing for the rest of my life and not just for weight loss but also for internal health as well.

There were several things I knew for sure that I needed:

To get rid of sugar and processed carbs
To eat LOW GI food
To eat fat, protein, and healthy whole carbohydrates from whole food sources.

What I did not know was how to combine all the best of the information I compiled and how to make it work for me.

A few months ago while on Pinterest searching for PCOS friendly recipes, I came across a recipe with the letters THM on it. I had seen it before when searching for recipes and never paid any attention to it. But that night I decided to look up what the THM stood for. And that is when I was brought to the TRIM HEALTHY MAMA website. Remember the butterfly I had talked about earlier? Well imagine my surprise when I saw that their logo is a butterfly! I knew I was not stumbling upon this site, and these two amazing women by accident.

I have still struggled while trying to implement the THM lifestyle. But that is what is great about THM, it is not just another fad diet. It is also a community of women who are all trying their best to live a healthy lifestyle and I have found many other mama’s out there who are encouraging and inspiring one another. How amazing and rare is that in todays society!

So if you have tried all the diets out there and feel hopeless, I sincerely recommend you taking a look into the Trim Healthy Mama Lifestyle. The sisters also have videos on YouTube.

God bless us all on this journey.

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