I have been thinking a lot about this blog and what purpose it has. Especially in regards to the "NOBLE WIFE, HEALTHY LIFE" aspect. For too long I think I have been focusing so much on just the weight loss aspect of my journey to become that ever elusive butterfly.
I was rereading some of my first posts from January 2014. In my "The Cycle Of Life" post, using the imagery of a butterfly's anatomy, I came up with this sort of blueprint of how God's perfect beauty would be made complete in me as I transitioned from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
The body at the center represents keeping Jesus at the center of my heart and the four wings represent the balance of the following areas:
- Love of Jesus shining through me for all to see.
- Intimate relationship with God through prayer, worship, and devotion
- Constant hunger and thirst for righteousness and actually living God's will.
- The fruit of my branches would be noticeable to others and the gifts of the Spirit would be present all around in my life.
- Healthy blood pressure & blood sugar levels.
- Hormone levels balanced.
- Active Lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight, and to be strong and flexible.
- Healthy Eating: Portion Control, Food Choices, Water, etc.
- Shiny and strong nails & hair; glowing skin.
- No erratic feelings of highs and lows.
- Be Joyful
- Healthy relationships with family and friends.
- Less worrisome and stressed out.
- Self-Controlled.
- Disciplined.
I am still praying about how I should use this blog for encouragement not only for myself, but for others, but I do believe it needs to contain all of these areas. What this will look like, I am not exactly sure. But I do know that my hope is for God to use me to speak truth and life into other women's lives. I am not perfect and I will make mistakes, but greater is He that is in me!
God bless us all on our journeys in taking care of these temples God has blessed us with.
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